Centrefor British Studies, SISU
Centrefor British Studies at SISU ( Shanghai International StudiesUniversity) was established in 1980s as a branch of the ResearchCentre for English-Speaking Countries. In 2011, funded by ChineseMinistry of Education, the Centre was upgraded as a leading institutein China and an international platform of excellence dedicated to theinterdisciplinary and comprehensive studies of the UnitedKingdom.
Withthe support of College of English Language and Literature (assessedas international excellence) and College of Politics andInternational Relationship (assessed as national excellence) at SISU,the Centre aims to integrate research resources, strengthen theacademic cooperation with other institutions, provide a forum for themost distinguished scholars in British culture, society, politics,economics, history, arts and literature.
TheCentre launches the pioneered and productive academic explorationacross a wide range of agenda focusingon the United Kingdom. In particular, the Centre focuses on thefollowing fields: British history and social culture, Britishliterature and cultural criticism, Sino-British comparative culturalstudies, Sino-British bilateral relationship and Sino-BritishCooperation in international organizations, British linguistic andcultural strategies, and British media.
Eversince it was established, the Center is in a long-term cooperationwith the British Embassy and British Council in varied fields andplays an irreplaceably important role in the Sino-BritainIntercultural Communication. In the past ten years, the centerestablished in-depth academic cooperation with the counterpartinstitutes of British universities, such as the Center of CulturalPolicy Studies in Warwick, the Historical Research Institute of UCL,Urban Cultural History Institute of Leicester.
Address:418 No.5 Building, 550 (W) Dalian Road, Shanghai, PRC. 200083
Tel.:86+21- 35372804 (Ms. Huang)
Fax:86+21- 35372804
Email: britishstudies@shisu.edu.cn
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