Keep Rolling out the red Carpet for Wealthy China
发布时间: 2014-07-04 浏览次数: 174

    WHEN the official history of the Coalition Government is written, it shouldn't be austerity, ministerial in-fighting or the Ukip challenge that dominates the prose. Rather, it is the genuflecting to China, to secure investment and trade, which has been truly remarkable.

    It is hard to keep track of the ministerial trips to and from the Middle Kingdom. Vince Cable was only in  Beijing three weeks ago, when, as the plot to unseat Nick Clegg foundered at home, the Business Secretary was touring trade fairs and watching British puppeteers train their Chinese counterparts in how to put on their version of the National Theatre's War Horse.

    There has been more of the same going on this week, with a flurry of agreements to accompany the visit of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to London. Some people call it selling Britain to the world, others regard the type of choreography that took place across Mansion House, the Natural History Museum, Downing Street and Buckingham Palace over the past few days as simply selling Britain out. Certainly, in the dash for deals,David Cameron's meeting with the Dalai Lama two years ago is unlikely to have formed part of the small talk.There is a pragmatism that underscores all this.

     As the debate rages over Britain's place in Europe, at least heads have been raised to survey the biggest economic opportunities, not just the closest. The question remains how far we should go to accommodate China as a partner in the same way we put up with Europe's slow-paced, uncompetitive foibles.

    For a start, China has what Britain desperately needs: piles of money. The Government's deficit may be in retreat, thanks to the efforts of George Osborne, who has spent enough of his Treasury reign parading around Chinese building sites in a high-visibility jacket. What the Chancellor understands is that there is still little in the pot to pay for essential upgrades. A 2010 report for the McKinsey management consultancy suggested that Britain would need to spend more than £350 billion over two decades merely to maintain the existing transport system. On top of that, it pencilled in up to £170 billion to support energy infrastructure.

    To find those kinds of sums, options are limited. Not every project can be funded by higher taxes, like Crossrail, taking shape quietly but impressively under our feet, or Thames Water's £4 billion mooted super-sewer. The best of the British investors, Legal & General, is diverting an extra £15 billion into the country over the next five years. It's a start but equates to the cost of building a single nuclear power station, the new Hinkley Point reactor in Somerset that the Chinese will finally buy into after this trip. L&G's boss Nigel Wilson, who is so far putting cash to work on schemes such as student accommodation for

    Imperial College and a giant housing project south of Bracknell, acknowledges that he could also help to bring sovereign wealth partners into the country. If not Chinese, then what about Middle Eastern or Russian money? It is easy to find reasons to reject any of it but that doesn't replace crumbling roads, railways or power stations. And if Chinese investors want to bankroll the unproven HS2 rail-link, all the better.

    It meansless pressure on domestic budgets.Then there is trade. China was the world's largest trader of goods last year, coming in at more than $4 trillion- reason enough to keep a healthy dialogue open. Playing to Britain's strength, the swing from basic building materials to more sophisticated goods and services is happening. Forget about the example of the chickens' feet that is always cited as an open export goal for our farmers. It means chances for our architects, management consultants and advertising gurus.

    But the real area of advantage for Britain, and London in particular, is in financial services. The Chinese are already in love with the Square Mile, scouring the City for more iconic buildings after they snapped up the inside-out Lloyd's of London insurance tower. Better still that they augment the capital's real strength as Europe's only credible, global financial centre. There is much to be gained from becoming an offshore hub from which China's currency can be traded.

    Not only does it grease the wheels of trade between the two nations, it brings early benefits as the renminbi takes steps to becoming a currency to rival the euro: for whom London has already become the main financial centre. Data from Asia-focused bank Standard Chartered shows that renminbi payments made through London are now comparable to levels seen earlier last year in Hong Kong.

    The test for London and its brandnew regime of financial regulation is that the institutions which are drawn here by this openness and deep pools of liquidity in areas such as foreign exchange are properly monitored.

    It would be unfortunate, for example, if the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the world's biggest bank which is on course to be granted its own British banking licence this year, was scrutinised less rigorously than its domestic peers.

    There is much Britain can easily sacrifice to woo international investors with the deepest pockets. But its reputation as a transparent and effective financial capital, already called into question after numerous scandals involving the rigging of benchmarks, is not one of them.

    There is another way of looking at these trade talks. Despite emerging market wobbles, the size of the Chinese economy is still on course to pull ahead of the United States within three years. The corporate camaraderie we have seen this week is our chance to play a part in the rise of China, as David Cameron points out. 

    Too true. Britain needs to offer a generous welcome. We should only become uneasy if the terms of trade are so loose as to compromise our image with others.

    There is much to be gained from becoming an offshore hub from which China's currency can be traded.