DrXiaozhou ZHOU
Fullname:Xiaozhou Zhou (Emily)

Education,qualifications and professional training |
2011‘Postgraduate Award –Introduction to Academic and Professional Practice’ – Aprofessional training course offered by
University of Warwick
2008-2011PhDin English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
University of Warwick
2007-2008MScin Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition
University of Oxford
2007-2008Certificatein TEFL
University of Oxford
2003-2007BAin English Language and Literature
Shanghai International StudiesUniversity, China
2004-2006BA(minor) in BusinessAdministration
Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, China
Feb 2013-presentLecturer inSchool of English Studies Shanghai International Studies University
Teaching English reading courses tofirst-year BA students.
Teaching English Society andCulture to postgraduate students.
Teaching thesis writing to doctoralstudents.
Researching in British culturalpolicy and creative industries, British higher education, languagepolicy and etc.
Part-time research fellow at Centrefor British Studies.
Jan 12- Feb 2013DevelopmentOfficer at QAA (UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)
Contribute to the planning,coordination and management of core projects.
Plan and facilitate qualitative andquantitative data collection and retrieval, coordinate data analysisand dissemination of outcomes in support of review activities.
Liaise with universities in the UKand China and maintain partnership with a wide range ofstakeholders.
Represent QAA on internal andexternal committees regarding research, networks, standards andquality enhancement.
Oct10-Sep 10Pre-sessional EAP teacher at Birmingham City University, UK
&Aug 09 – Sep 09
Taught English language skills topre-sessional students.
Provided teacher training for newstaff.
Designed course syllabus andmaterials.
Administered weekly assessment andplacement and final tests.
Supervised group projects,proofread project reports and conducted individual tutorials.
Completed administrative duties.
Nov07 – Aug 08Mandarinteacher at Easy Access Mandarin, Ltd (Oxford, UK)
Taught Mandarin to students of alllevels.
Designed course syllabus andmaterials.
Organised open days and culturalevents.
Conducted face-to-face and onlineindividual tutorials.
Contributed to the interactiveteaching and learning section of the company website.
Volunteeredon Warwick Postgraduate Open Day, in Warwick Undergraduate ResearchSkills Scheme, and as organiser, coordinator, translator,interpreter and receptionist at various exhibitions and sportsevents in Shanghai, China.
Recentpublications and conference presentations |
X.Zhou (2014). Discourseand Culture in University English Classes. 当代中国话语研究,第六期.(Contemporary Chinese Discourse Studies, Volume 6, forthcoming)
X.Zhou(2013). Identities in University Teachers’ L1 Use in L2 Class.Proceedings of European Conference on Language Learning (IAFOR).
X.Zhou(2012). BehindClassroom Codeswitching: Culture, Curriculum and Identity in aChinese University English Department.LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing: Saarbrücken, Germany.
X.Zhouand V. Murphy (2011). How English L2 Learners in China Perceive andInterpret Novel English Compounds. AsianEFL Journal, Volume 12,Issue 1, 348-376.
Presented at the 46thAnnual Meeting of British Association of Applied Linguistics inWarwick in 2014.
Presented at the 7thInternational Conference on ELT in China in Nanjing in 2014.
Presented at the 16thWorld Congress in Applied Linguistics (AILA 2011) in Beijing inAugust, 2011.
Presented at 2009, 2010 and 2011Warwick Postgraduate Conference in Applied Linguistics.