Nicholas Jackson, adual citizen of the United Kingdom and United States of America,began his teaching career at Syracuse University in New York, wherehe completed a Ph.D. in British Political and Intellectual History atthe Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs in 2005. AtSyracuse he served as co-editor of a book on college teaching:University Teaching: A Guide for Graduate Students and YoungFaculty (2005). Since then he has taught courses in European,British, and World History to undergraduates at universities in theUS and China. After publishing a monograph on Thomas Hobbes and theBritish Civil Wars (Hobbes, Bramhall and the Politics of Libertyand Necessity, Cambridge University Press) in 2007, Dr. Jacksonbegan research and writing on early British and European relationswith China. His current book project is a narrative and analysis ofthe first British trade expedition to China in 1637. He now teachesBritish History and Literature at Shanghai International StudiesUniversity, and delivered guest lectures at Fudan University and EastChina Normal University in the spring of 2014.

Ph.D.,History, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,
SyracuseUniversity, July 2005 (University Fellow, 1997-2005)
B.A.,Magna cum Laude, Honors in English, Colgate University, May 1995
AssistantProfessor of History and Literature, Shanghai International StudiesUniversity,
Fellow,SISU British Studies Institute, Fall 2013-Present
LegislativeDirector, New York State Assembly, 121st District,Feb.2012-Jan. 2013
Consultant,US-China Education Trust, Washington, DC, 2011-Present
VisitingAssistant Professor of History, Beijing Normal University-UnitedInternational
College,Zhuhai, 2010-2011
VisitingAssistant Professor of History, Utica College, 2009-2010
Instructor,Shaanxi Institute of International Trade and Commerce, 2007-2008
ResearchFellow, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, 2006
VisitingInstructor of History, Utica College, 2005-2006
ResearchAssistant, History Department, Syracuse University, 2004-2005
Consultantto TA and Professional Development Program, Syracuse University,
GraduateRepresentative, Tenure Committee, History Department, Fall 2004
Co-Coordinator,Graduate Student Orientation Programs, Summer 2003
GraduateTeaching Consultant, TA and Professional Development Program,
SyracuseUniversity, 2002-2003
TeachingAssistant, European History, Syracuse University, 1998-2003
“TheEuropean Characteristics of Modern China” A talk given at theChinese Culture Summer
Program,Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, July 23, 2014
“TheBritish Trade Expedition to China, 1637: Precursor of the OpiumWars?”
Apaper delivered at National Institute of Advanced Humanistic Studies,
FudanUniversity (复旦大学文史研究院),Shanghai, June 10, 2014
“Hobbes:Moralist or Immoralist?” A paper delivered in the History andPhilosophy Lecture
Series,East China Normal University, Shanghai, Mar. 26, 2014
Reviewof Shelley Rigger,WhyTaiwan Matters (Rowmanand Littlefield, 2011) forTaiwan
Communique,Dec. 2011
Hobbes,Bramhall and the Politics of Liberty and Necessity(Cambridge UniversityPress,
“Sino-RussianRelations” A talk delivered at the United Nations Association ofthe
MohawkValley, Apr. 15, 2010
“TheSevilles in China, 1899-1919” at, Dec. 2009
“Levine’sCritique of Skinner: A VindicationviaHobbes” A paper presented at ASECS,
Atlanta,Mar. 24, 2007
Reviewof Jeffrey Collins,TheAllegiance of Thomas Hobbes(Oxford University Press, 2005)
forRenaissance Quarterly,Fall 2006
“TheDuke of Newcastle: Hobbes’s Patron…and Political Disciple?” Apaper presented
tothe Southern Conference on British Studies, Atlanta, Nov. 3-5, 2005
UniversityTeaching: A Guide for Graduate Students and New Faculty,co-editor
(SyracuseUniversity Press, 2005)
“Hobbesvs. Bramhall: A Civil War-Interregnum Debate on Church and State” Apaper
presentedat New York State Association of European Historians, Oswego,
Sept.27, 2003
“Assessingand Perfecting a Future Faculty Development Program”, co-presenter,
theNational Association of Graduate and Professional Students, St.Louis,
Nov.8, 2002