英国布里斯托大学东亚研究中心硕士 (2007年10月——2008年10月)
Chen Nie, (即将出版).The features and effects of the housing policy in China following housing reforms. In Ngok, K. L. and Chan, C. K. eds.China’s Social Policy: Transformation and Challenges.London: Rouledge.
聂晨, 2014.“住房自有在中国——概念及其意义的变迁”,中国公共政策评论(第七卷)。
Chen Nie, 2013. Home Ownership Ideology among Young People in Transitional Urban China. In:The 10th EASP (East Asian Social Policy Network) International Annual Conference: Managing Rapid Social Change and Growing Diversity: Social Policy Responses and Changing Governance in East Asia. Beijing Normal University, China, 11-12 July 2013.
Chen Nie, 2011. Meaning of Home Ownership of Young People in the Transitional Housing Market in China. In:The 4th International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies (IFCCS4): China: Prospects and Challenges to 2020. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, 11-13 Sep 2011.
Chen Nie, 2009. Adjusted and Readjusted Housing Policies in China beyond the Housing Reform. In:The 2nd Conference of the International Forum for Contemporary Chinese Studies. University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, 7-9 Sep 2009.
Chen Nie, 2009. Booming Housing Market in China and Analysis of Its Reasons Based on the DiPasquale-Wheaton Model. In:ISA (International Sociological Association) International Housing Conference: Housing Assets housing People. University ofGlasgow, United Kingdom, 1-3 Sep 2009.
Chen Nie, 2009. Transformed Housing Welfare Policies and Practices in China.In: Bristol Postgraduate Network for East Asian Studies Conference: Public Policy in East Asia. University of Bristol,United Kingdom,14-15 July 2009.
Chen Nie, 2009. The Transformation of China's Housing Policy beyond the Housing Reform and Its Impacts on the Housing Market.In: EASP (East Asian Social Policy) 6th International Conference: Global Economic Crisis and Welfare Restructuring in East and West. University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 3-4 July 2009.
Chen Nie, 2008. Dilemmas in China Labor Market: Graduates Facing Unemploymentand Shortage of Peasant Workers. In:China Postgraduate Network Conference. University of Oxford,United Kingdom, 15 - 16 March 2008.